Christmas will be here in less than 2 weeks! If you’re a parent, you’re probably already noticing that your kids are counting down the days to their holiday break. School breaks are meant to be times when families take a break from their hectic schedules and find ways to unwind together.
The Growing Parent: Holiday Memories
“My children are growing up so quickly. It seems like just yesterday they were taking their first steps and now…”
I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, and even said myself as I watch my own children grow. This is a sobering thought for most parents I’ve encountered over the years, both personally and professionally, which is why I so adamantly encourage parents to “seize the moment.”
Navigating the Challenges and Anxieties of Junior Year
Junior year of high school is a time of change and decision-making. High school is coming to an end, and teens must begin to make choices about what they will do after high school. Along with the stress of increased workloads and of making choices about future careers, teens must also manage the increased freedom that junior year brings.
Four Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Ebola
The current Ebola outbreak is all over the media right now. It is an unfamiliar disease to the United States, and many people are fearful about Ebola spreading any further than it has. Even if you are not discussing it at home as a family, chances are your children are still hearing about it through conversations with their peers or around their schools. Children process information about a potential threat very differently than adults do.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Primer
We hear the term ADHD all the time but don’t necessarily know much about it. Here’s some basic information to help you have a better understanding and maybe even determine if your child or someone you know should be evaluated.
Be A Sandwich Generation Survivor: Tips to Ease the Squeeze
If you’re going to survive being part of the Sandwich Generation (caring for both your kids & your parents), you’re going to need some help.
Sandwich Generation: Are you feeling the squeeze?
Middle-aged adults are finding themselves “sandwiched” between aging parents and kids. They are the “Sandwich Generation.” Are you feeling the squeeze?
Back to School Stress for Students with Disabilities
Going back to school can be additionally stressful for students with disabilities. Here are some tips for helping your student transition well.
Understanding Your Teen: Today’s Marijuana
Studies are showing that marijuana use is becoming more prevalent in teens and that this use can cause lasting damage. Here’s what you need to know.
College Bound: Coping with Separation Anxiety
You’ve probably done quite a bit to prepare your kid for college. But have you considered separation anxiety? Chances are you’ll both experience it.