Athletic Teams as Families

When tragedy happens, we all react differently. Some become vocal; some become silent; others need a hug or a listening ear. Athletic teams are no different than a traditional family unit. The individuals may cope in various ways, but the team has a choice of leaning on each other or going separate ways.

WHEN THE GAME IS OVER: Some Advice for Pro Athletes (Part 2)

After reading Friday’s post, whether you’re a pro athlete facing retirement, a pro sports wife, a coach, or a team owner, hopefully you will realize that when the game is over for an athlete, many people will be affected. There is good news. There is a “preretirement” approach to counseling … Read More

WHEN THE GAME IS OVER: Transition for the Pro Athlete (Part 1)

Transitions in life are difficult, even when they are expected. When the game is over for a pro athlete, that transition to life after sports can be extremely brutal and is reported to feel more like death. Up to this point, a pro athlete has experienced privileges, applause, and stardom that have shaped his identify for years. It has been the only role in his life that has given him meaning, structure and purpose. Now, often at a young age, many pro athletes face a significant transition into “retirement” that typically does not affect the average person for many years. The challenging transition pro athletes face when the game is over can begin for many expected and unexpected reasons.

Body Image: The Struggle to Accept Myself as I Am Right Now

How often do you find yourself thinking some version of, “If I just lost a little weight, exercised more, ate a better diet, made a little more money, improved my health, had more inspiring work, lived in a nicer place, improved my relationships (or something else), then I’d be happy”?

Being a Supportive Friend: The DOs and DON’Ts

Regardless of your own experience, you CAN be a supportive friend to someone dealing with the possible end of a relationship. Whether it’s a break-up, separation, or a full-fledged divorce, they need friends to lean on in this difficult time.

Body Image & Self Esteem Group

Do you wish you felt better about yourself? Are you unhappy with your body? Are you looking for ways to develop more compassion and appreciation for yourself?

Atlanta School Shooting Response

After hearing the horrific news of the school shooting in Atlanta at Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy, we are left with questions of “Why?” and “How can I explain this to my children?” Because we work with, live with and see the parents, neighbors, and siblings of those affected, we are bound to have questions that can help us process this tragedy.

But You Don’t Look Sick: Dealing with Chronic Illness

If you suffer from a chronic illness, physical condition, or pain, you have probably heard some version of the phrase “but you don’t look sick” at one time or another. It’s frustrating and annoying to say the least. Those of us who live with a chronic health condition often find ourselves being misunderstood by others. They see us as looking normal and seem to find it hard to believe we are struggling physically.

Compassion: A Tale of Two Equals

In the recent best seller Daring Greatly, Brene’ Brown quotes Pema Chodron, “…Compassion is… a relationship between equals… Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity…”

Discovering Your Healthy Self- A Workshop for Women

Join Marlayne Whitlock, M.A., LAPC and Stacey Wald, M.A., LAPC, RD for a
morning focusing on the healthy self. There will be time for conversation about the impact society plays in creating an unhealthy self image as well as time for casting a vision for what a healthy view of oneself might include.