Therapy is a critical element in experiencing change. But we also believe that what our clients do with their time outside of therapy will either assist with or distract from their goals. In fact, studies are showing us that certain things we do and specific changes we make can literally change the “wiring” and composition of the brain.
Recovering from an Affair: Healthy Boundaries and Self-Care
In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we’ve discussed the range of strong emotional reactions by both spouses after an affair is discovered. It’s important to begin minimizing the negative effects these reactions can have on each spouse and the marriage.
Recovering from an Affair: Coping with Flashbacks
The discovery of an affair is usually unexpected and shocking. Because of this, many injured spouses may have a trauma reaction, including feelings of extreme uncertainty and confusion. The injured spouse may feel that their whole world has literally been shaken up and feel very insecure and unstable.
Recovering from an Affair: Resist the Need to Defend
Once an affair is discovered by a spouse, the impact of the emotional devastation can change the course of the couple’s life forever. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I assure you that although change is inevitable after such a betrayal, your marriage can recover! It is very important that the injured spouse does not continue to be harmed by the offending spouse’s actions.
For The Moments When Life Disappoints
Life is definitely not fair. This is a well-known fact. You probably heard an adult tell you this when you were a kid. Things very often do not turn out the way we planned or hoped. Often times, we must develop an alternate plan or goals for ourselves.
Food for your Mood: Chocolate
There are studies done on a myriad of subjects, but my personal favorites support consuming chocolate as a way to elevate one’s mood. J.K. Rowling had it right when she wrote about chocolate as the best remedy when attacked by a dementor.
Your Thyroid, Depression, and Anxiety: The Connection You Never Knew
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that wraps around the trachea and is positioned near the larynx (or voice box) in the throat. This gland produces two hormones: thyroxine, or T4, and triiodothyronine, known as T3. It is responsible for some very important functions in your body, such as regulating body temperature, maintaining proper heartbeat, and ensuring adequate cognitive function.
Surviving the Quarter Life Crisis: How To Make It Out Alive
If you read Part 1 of this series, you are now aware that the quarter-life crisis is in fact a very real thing that affects many people in their 20’s and early 30’s. While there may not be an exact “cure” for the quarter-life crisis, here are a few tips to help you keep your head above water and make this a successful time in your life.
New Year’s Resolution: Two Steps Forward or One Step Back?
January is almost half over. How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? If you’re like most people, you’re probably feeling like you took two steps forward and one step back. You decided to make positive changes in the New Year and within a few days or even hours, you slip up and revert to your old way of doing things.
Understanding Tinnitus: Treatment Options (Part 4)
Now that you understand what tinnitus is, you might be thinking, “What can I do if I have tinnitus?” or “How can therapy be helpful with the symptoms I am experiencing?” Today I hope to give you an idea of the treatment options that are available for someone who might be suffering from tinnitus.