Multitasking Overload aka Brain Strain

I have a friend who is really great at managing a calendar.  Incredibly proficient with her organizational skills (or so she thought) until one day when she received a phone call asking “Where are you?” She had totally forgotten a dinner party given in her honor because she had not entered it into her overloaded calendar.  She proceeded to dissolve into a mass of tears.

Sometimes having too much on the to-do list means that you are setting yourself up for a similar scenario.  Some personalities thrive with the pressure of having many tasks to complete in a limited amount of time, but it can also be a recipe for forgetfulness.  I recently heard someone describe all they had on their plate for the next twenty four hours and it made me dizzy to think about those plates spinning out of control because they were filled to overflowing.

Our minds go into brain strain when functioning at this level constantly.  We need a break.  Our brains need a rest from the constant barrage of information overload.  I have found setting a timer on my phone helps me to take time to refocus.  I’m curious to know what helps others when the calendar is full and the energy is depleted. I’d like to create a list of helpful ideas to post and pass on to others.  Send.  Share. Multitask without the overload.

Marlayne Whitlock, LAPC