There was an intensity to the movement that left no doubt the only thing to do was join in the crushing 400 meter dash. We, along with the other 200 people on the train, made it out to the sidewalk so quickly that you would have thought the last person on the platform was going to be shot. There we were, arm in arm, backpacks jostling, approaching near Olympic speeds hurling headlong down the ramp – and we had no idea why.
The Growing Parent: Connecting with Your Children
“I’m always so busy with work that I never seem to have time to spend with my children. What is something simple and tangible I can do to connect with them?”
Barbie & Body Image: An Unrealistic Ideal (Part Two)
Barbie has been a popular toy for girls age 3-12 for over 50 years and has come to represent for many the perfect, ideal woman with her long blonde hair and slim body. However, if a woman really existed who had Barbie’s proportions, she would have a hard time walking on her size 3 feet and wouldn’t have room in her body for a full liver or full intestines. Furthermore, her long slim neck wouldn’t be able to hold up her huge head.
Barbie and Body Image: An Unrealistic Ideal (Part One)
Barbie dolls were always my favorite growing up. They still are. In fact, I still have some of my original Barbies. I’m not sure how my fascination and preference for Barbie dolls started. I had other dolls to choose from, but Barbie was the one I cherished. So, when I first read information from Body Wars by Margo Main, PhD about the reality of Barbie, I was shocked. I simply had never considered that Barbie was so proportionally unrealistic.
Body Image & Self Esteem Group
Do you wish you felt better about yourself? Are you unhappy with your body? Are you looking for ways to develop more compassion and appreciation for yourself?
The Growing Parent: The Authoritative Parent
Not to be confused with the Authoritarian approach, the Authoritative Parent can best be described as a happy medium between the Permissive Parent and the Authoritarian Parent. The Authoritative Parent has developed the ability to set firm, consistent boundaries with their children while in the process being able to communicate a warm and loving atmosphere.
Atlanta School Shooting Response
After hearing the horrific news of the school shooting in Atlanta at Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy, we are left with questions of “Why?” and “How can I explain this to my children?” Because we work with, live with and see the parents, neighbors, and siblings of those affected, we are bound to have questions that can help us process this tragedy.
A Blended Family Divided
I don’t know about you, but when I think of the word “blended” I think of things coming together in harmony. The term “blended family” can be misleading to new remarried families. The day a father and step-mother or mother and step-father says “I do” does not automatically “blend” their family.
The Growing Parent: The Authoritarian Parent
“My husband and I are constantly arguing about which of our parenting philosophies is the best. He is more rigid and expects the kids to do whatever he says because he says so, and I am way more laid back and want to let them just be kids. Is he right, or am I?”
The Growing Parent: The Permissive Parent
The basic characteristic of the Permissive Parent is someone who doesn’t put much stock in setting and enforcing boundaries. This philosophy rejects the whole notion of keeping one’s children under control. A stark contrast to the parent who lacks the necessary tools to maintain control, the Permissive Parent believes the child is better off “just being a kid” rather than having to follow so many rules.