“With all the violence and natural disasters and other trauma in the media today, my children are constantly afraid. How can I talk to them about these things and help to ease some of their anxieties?”
The Challenges of Long-Term Illness
Navigating a long-term illness means journeying into the unfamiliar waters of change. These waters rise at a rapid pace, and finding one’s footing seems nearly impossible at times. You may find yourself feeling helpless amidst the rising tide. Change threatens every area of life. Your physical being is impacted as well as your emotional self. Multiple layers of change at a relentless pace can feel overwhelming.
Pro Sports Wives and the Culture of Adultery
Pro sports wives are a rare group of women, typically living lavish, affluent but private and guarded lifestyles. There are many stereotypical beliefs about athletes’ wives such as they are spoiled & pampered, just “eye candy” or “gold diggers,” or that they are unintelligent and weak. In many cases the truth is just the opposite. Athletes’ wives are in many cases very strong and resilient due to the unique challenges they face, especially when it comes to their marriages.
Coping With Infertility During the Holidays
The holidays are a difficult time when you’re in the midst of dealing with infertility. Everywhere you turn, there are children and families enjoying Santa and gifts and celebrations. If you are longing to be a parent, your grief may be triggered as your inability to do so may become more pronounced. This complicates the grieving process that is already built into infertility and the treatment journey.
Mindful Eating During the Holidays
Of all times of the year, the holiday season brings the most challenges to those trying to practice mindful eating. Temptations abound: from your favorite baked goods to cocktail parties and numerous social gatherings all centered around food as the main activity. In addition, the added stress of family visits and other obligations are often triggers to eat without thinking about how much we really want or need.
Overcome Blended Family Holiday Challenges
The holiday season can be a particularly challenging time for blended families. Every blended family has built-in complexities that are highlighted during the holidays. Tension may arise over many issues: making decisions about how much time each parent gets with the child, deciding who buys which gifts, and even determining which holiday rituals are acceptable for the child to participate in.
The Dating Coach Answers: Company Parties
We are discussing various tips for the holidays when you are in a new relationship, casually dating several people, or in a relationship that hasn’t been officially defined. This time of year can be stressful and filled with pressure and expectations for all dating relationships. So far we’ve talked about when to define the relationship, whether or not invite each other home for the holidays, and whether or not to give gifts. Today let’s talk about those company parties.
The Dating Coach Answers: Giving Gifts
We are discussing various tips for the holidays when you are in a new relationship, casually dating several people, or in a relationship that hasn’t been officially defined. This time of year can be stressful and filled with pressure and expectations for all dating relationships. So far we’ve talked about when to define the relationship and whether or not to invite each other home for the holidays. Today let’s focus on giving gifts.
Pro Sports Wives: Quality Time During the Holidays
As a pro sports wife you know how limited time with your athlete husband can be. Quality time can seem nonexistent during the sports season. The holidays can be especially difficult because it is a time for family togetherness and your athlete is away on the road. Although holidays may be full of fine festivities, chef-prepared foods, and expensive gifts, there is nothing like getting quality time with your athlete when he’s home.
Navigating Disordered Eating During the Holidays
The holiday season can be an especially difficult time for people who struggle with various types of eating issues: binge eating; food restricting; bingeing and purging; emotional or stress eating; food addiction; chronic dieting; food fears; and more. Because most activities from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day are food-centric, those dealing with disordered eating can be quickly overwhelmed and stressed out.