The Growing Parent: Holiday Memories

“My children are growing up so quickly. It seems like just yesterday they were taking their first steps and now…”

I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, and even said myself as I watch my own children grow. This is a sobering thought for most parents I’ve encountered over the years, both personally and professionally, which is why I so adamantly encourage parents to “seize the moment.”

How to Survive the Dreaded Questions During the Holidays

We’ve all been there. You get to Thanksgiving dinner and that relative you rarely see asks, “Are you dating anybody?” Or, if you are recently married, “When will you guys have a baby?” Or, my favorite question after graduating from college, “Have you found a job yet?”

Bigger than Football: Remembering Kosta Karageorge

Kosta Karageorge, a fifth year senior on the football team, was found dead near campus due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was twenty-two years old. He is survived by his mother, father, sister, teammates, and all of us in Buckeye Nation. My heart aches for the Karageorge family and for all of the people Kosta leaves behind.

10-Minute Holiday Connections For You & Your Partner

Holidays are typically known for family, friends, food, and helping others. But they are also well-known as a time for stress, chaos, loneliness, and disconnection. Couples are particularly at high risk to disengage at this time.

Understanding Tinnitus: Mindfulness (Part 5)

Tinnitus can impact all areas of life. It can be really difficult for people with tinnitus not only to manage the symptoms, but also to manage the psychological side effects. There are many ways that therapy can help people living with tinnitus find a way to live a fulfilled and quality life.

Understanding Tinnitus: Treatment Options (Part 4)

Now that you understand what tinnitus is, you might be thinking, “What can I do if I have tinnitus?” or “How can therapy be helpful with the symptoms I am experiencing?” Today I hope to give you an idea of the treatment options that are available for someone who might be suffering from tinnitus.

Navigating the Challenges and Anxieties of Junior Year

Junior year of high school is a time of change and decision-making. High school is coming to an end, and teens must begin to make choices about what they will do after high school. Along with the stress of increased workloads and of making choices about future careers, teens must also manage the increased freedom that junior year brings.

Celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month! It is a special time to spread awareness of this developmental disability. More importantly it is a time to celebrate the abilities and accomplishments of individuals with Down syndrome. This is a very important month for me personally because my younger sister has Down syndrome.

Four Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Ebola

The current Ebola outbreak is all over the media right now. It is an unfamiliar disease to the United States, and many people are fearful about Ebola spreading any further than it has. Even if you are not discussing it at home as a family, chances are your children are still hearing about it through conversations with their peers or around their schools. Children process information about a potential threat very differently than adults do.

Understanding Tinnitus (Part 3)

Tinnitus is a disorder that you may never have heard of, however, the statistics are staggering as to how many people suffer from this condition. Today, I hope to give you an idea of just how much tinnitus can affect a person’s life. We’ll also discuss the other disorders, known as co-occurring disorders, that often accompany it.