The struggle is real. Not only is the average twenty-something most likely working a job they merely tolerate, they are also trying to define themselves, determine the direction of their adult lives, live up to their parents expectations, and pay those first few bills that seem completely overwhelming (cable costs HOW much?!). Navigating through your 20’s and early 30’s can be extremely difficult while at the same time be some of the best years of your life. One day you feel as if you can conquer the world and the very next you’re positive that your life is going nowhere.
Caring for Someone with a Mood Disorder: How NOT to Go Crazy
Whether you have just found out or have known for several years, living with and loving someone who has mood disorder is difficult even in the best situation. In the course of any given day, you can feel hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed, confused, hurt, angry, frustrated, and/or resentful. If not dealt with, these feelings can lead to guilt, shame, sadness, exhaustion, fear, and isolation. Know that there isn’t a right or wrong way to feel. Learning how to handle negative emotions is what is most important.
The Benefits of a Relationship Check-Up
Typically a “check-up” is considered to be a medical evaluation to examine the status of one’s physical health. Many individuals have an annual check-up scheduled on their calendars as a routine method of prevention or awareness of health concerns. A relationship check-up can be viewed in a very similar way.
New Year’s Resolution: Two Steps Forward or One Step Back?
January is almost half over. How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? If you’re like most people, you’re probably feeling like you took two steps forward and one step back. You decided to make positive changes in the New Year and within a few days or even hours, you slip up and revert to your old way of doing things.
The Most Important New Year’s Resolution
Eat better, work less, make more money, lose that dreaded 15 pounds you just gained, run a 5k, travel to somewhere exotic… Most of us find it pretty easy to fill up several pages with ideas of things we want to do differently in the next year. What matters most to you though? Of all the things you fill up your list with, what will be the most significant?
Maintaining Family Traditions With Your College Student
Maintaining and growing new family traditions with children who are entering college can be a challenging situation for any family. College students are in the process of building their own lives and schedules and may not be able to as fully participate in family traditions as they have in the past.
Give Intangible Gifts for the Holidays
The holidays are the perfect time of the year for advertisers to target and attract us, the consumers, to spend lots of money buying “tangible” gifts—gifts that have a physical presence and can be touched. Many of these tangible gifts consist of expensive electronics, clothing, appliances, jewelry, and even cars. These are nice gifts to give and receive. But “intangible” gifts—gifts that have no physical presence and can’t be touched—can truly change the quality of your life and can be the best gifts you can ever give and receive.
Surviving the Holidays: Less is More
Our culture seems to be all about more, bigger, better… especially when it comes to the holidays. Gift wish lists are longer and more expensive. Pinterest sets a high bar when it comes to decorations. Holiday parties can fill your social calendar before you know it.
Here are a few tips for a simpler, less-stressed holiday season.
Take Back the Holidays: Tips for Family Bonding
Christmas will be here in less than 2 weeks! If you’re a parent, you’re probably already noticing that your kids are counting down the days to their holiday break. School breaks are meant to be times when families take a break from their hectic schedules and find ways to unwind together.
Your Family Will Never Inspire a Normal Rockwell Painting
For some, this time of year is full of excitement and anticipation, but for others it is a time of dread and anxiety. The people portrayed in the famous Norman Rockwell painting or in the latest Hallmark movie create a longing for many that this holiday season will be different.