Willpower helps us live consistent with our values and long-term goals, we are typically more content and happy. Learning to recognize your own signs when you are stressed is one of the most important steps in improving your willpower.
Talking with Your Teen About Porn: Is Today’s Porn Harmless? Part 1 of 4
Do I really need to talk to my son? It seems like viewing porn is pretty harmless and just a normal part of being male these days. Isn’t this just a phase most boys (or young people) go through?
How to Connect with Your Stepchild
Although building a new relationship with someone you care about can be an exciting and rewarding time, a step-parent’s experience can also feel painful and confusing.
How to Unlink our Sense of Self Worth from Social Media
So what should you do if you find that social media is negatively affecting you or someone you love? Here are some tips to help you unlink social media from your sense of self worth.
How To Talk to Your Child About Counseling
You’re worried about your child and think they might benefit from counseling. But how to do bring this up with them? What do you do if they are upset with you and don’t want to go? Find some crucial tips for how to walk through this here.
Is my worry normal or is it anxiety?
Anxiety is a prolonged form of stress that can be really detrimental when left untreated over time. Therapy has been shown to be extremely effective at treating anxiety and the accompanying symptoms. Reach out to a therapist to talk about how therapy could help your anxiety!
The Growing Parent: The Servant Day
My husband and I have a large family and we’re always pulled in so many different directions that we rarely ever get any one on one time with our children, and it’s really starting to show.
How Social Media Affects our Self Worth
We want to be able to protect our families, friends and ourselves from unhealthy use of social media, especially when it comes to evaluating self worth.
Understanding How Willpower Works
Learning to recognize your own signs when you are stressed is one of the most important steps in improving your willpower. Sometimes simply remembering to stop and take a few deep breaths when overwhelmed or tempted can have a big effect.
Helping Your 12th Grader Finish High School Strong
12th grade is the culmination of a teen’s academic career, but it can increase stress levels and pressure for teens. Find a few parenting tips for how to encourage and support your teen in their final year of high school.