When you think about commitment, how does that make you feel? Does your heart race? Do you feel faint? Do you feel the need to literally run? These are real feelings of men and women who have a fear of commitment. These fears are usually rooted in fear of missing out on other opportunities or fear of making bad decisions.
Perfectionism refers to one person’s thoughts and behaviors which are aimed at reaching excessively high and unrealistic goals. In other words, many perfectionists set themselves up for failure and unfortunately end up achieving much less than they could. Perfectionism actually blocks the path to success many times.
Talking With Your Teen About Pornography: Preparing Yourself for the Conversation, Part 1 of 2
When you’ve chosen to sit down and talk to your child about pornography, how you enter into the conversation can seriously impact the tone and the outcome. Here are a couple suggestions as you take time to prepare yourself for the conversation.
Making A College Decision With Low Stress
Preparing for and getting into college is a lot of work! Teens have to write admission essays, personal statements, gather recommendations, take long standardized tests and so much more. Once seniors start getting into colleges, they then have to make the hard decision of where they will attend higher education.
Talking with Your Teen About Porn: Is Today’s Porn Harmless? Part 4 of 4
Do I really need to talk to my son? It seems like viewing porn is pretty harmless and just a normal part of being male these days. Isn’t this just a phase most boys (or young people) go through? Although it is certainly normal to be curious and interested, the … Read More
Six Signs that Your Child May Need to See a Therapist
All children face obstacles as they grow up. They experience stress, guilt, grief, social challenges and other difficulties. People used to think that children do not experience these normal aspects of life in the same way as adults. However new research is showing that these stressors impact children in a similar way that these stressors impact adults. Children can react with anxiety, depression and high levels of stress just like adults do.
The Plague of Electronic Devices
Are your electronic devices getting in the way of your interactions with your children? Does email, Facebook, Snapchat or twitter seem to be more enticing than interacting with your kids?
Challenging Cognitive Distortions is like Shopping for New Shoes
Many cognitive distortions have established the rules governing the way we think and act. Cognitive distortions are like a pair of old broken down shoes. You have worn them for so long that they are molded to your feet. Change is difficult and means you need to be brave enough to try a different thought.
Talking with Your Teen About Porn: Is Today’s Porn Harmless? Part 3 of 4
Isn’t viewing porn pretty harmless for teens? Isn’t this just a phase most boys (or young people) go through? Although it is normal to be curious and interested, here is the third of 4 reasons the average young person today may not “casually” view pornography without being seriously impacted by what he or she consumes.
How Happy Couples Keep The Spark Alive
Happy couples have a few things in common: They have friendship and admiration, they have each other’s back, and they share experiences together that create special meaning for them. Date night can be one of the best relationship enhancers out there.