Talking With Your Teen About Porn: 7 Tips for Having the Conversation(s), Part 2 of 2

We’ve spent plenty of time in prior blogs discussing whether or not porn use merits a conversation with your teen; and addressing common barriers to having this conversation; and offering suggestions as you prepare yourself for the conversation. Finally…you are ready to talk! Included in this blog are the last 4 of 7 great tips to keep in mind when you have your conversation.

Letter to an Injured Student Athlete

You are not alone. Did you know that, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, high school students account for an estimated 2 million injuries each year? Although this statistic is a fact, I know you may “feel” alone. Other feelings that may be surfacing for you are fear, sadness, anger, guilt and disappointment. These feelings can be frowned upon often by coaches, classmates and even parents. I want you to know that these feelings are absolutely normal and you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t feel them at times.

Talking With Your Teen About Porn: 7 Tips for Having the Conversation(s), Part 1 of 2

We’ve spent plenty of time in prior blogs discussing whether or not porn use merits a conversation with your teen; and addressing common barriers to having this conversation; and offering suggestions as you prepare yourself for the conversation. Finally…you are ready to talk! Here are the first 3 of 7 great tips to keep in mind when you have your conversation.

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements – Part Two

In part one of this blog, I covered detailed information about vitamins, minerals, B vitamins and Vitamin C. My overall basic recommendations for the beginning of a nutrition supplement program are below. As always, please consult with your physician before beginning any new supplements. Multivitamin/Multimineral general supplement. A single tablet … Read More

Signs Of Mental Illness in Your College Student

Mental illness can go undiagnosed and untreated in college students, but can have a significant and negative impact on a college student’s functioning; this blog discusses early signs of mental illness in college students.

Helping Your Teen Scale Back Media Time

Teens have more access today to social media, entertainment, and information than ever before, through multiple platforms such as mobile media, the Internet and computers. All this technology is pointing toward more negative effects teens report experiencing. This blog discusses the impact of access to media on adolescent well-being and tips for parents to limit media consumption at home.

Debunking Meditation Myths

Many people know the benefits of meditation but are still hesitant to practice it. Although meditation seems like it should be simple, it can feel difficult for many people. There are many myths about meditation that scare people away from doing it regularly. Included in this blog are some ways to separate meditation myths from reality!

Talking with Your Teen About Porn: Overcoming the Barriers, Part 3 of 3

So, you suspect that your teen is viewing pornography. You feel like maybe you should have a conversation about that. Here we discuss the third of 3 common barriers parents face when wanting to having this important conversation. Barrier 3: “My son (or daughter) doesn’t want to hear anything from me about sex. Period. End of discussion.”

Supporting your child through their first year of college.

A young adult’s first semester of college, especially if they’re living outside the home, can be fraught with complications, excitement and challenges. Most teens and families are under equipped to deal with all the areas of transition that come with a teen starting college. There are a lot of moving pieces that come with starting college, and this blog seeks to provide a few tips to keep in mind as a teen starts college for the first time.

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements – Part One

This blog is about a simple and inexpensive start to a nutrition supplement program. As a registered dietitian/nutritionist, I get a lot of questions from clients about what nutrition supplements they should be taking. That’s a difficult question, because a nutrition supplement program is so individualized based on each person’s … Read More