Quick Lifestyle Change that Can Help Reduce Depression

Living with depression can be overwhelming and daunting. Depression can impact the way you feel, think, and handle daily activities. Depression can feel a different for different people depending on the severity of the symptoms. It is one of the most common mental disorders in the U.S. It can feel … Read More

Is This Anxiety? Part 2

Anxiety can be overwhelming and feel as though it has taken over your life. Training your body and brain to relax is not an easy process, but with the help of supportive family, a counselor, and close friends you can learn to challenge illogical thought processes, relax physically, and start … Read More

Spring Cleaning: Reducing Clutter!

Spring has arrived in full force; short cold days will soon give way to garden tours, egg hunts, proms, spring break trips to the beach, and the inevitable spring cleaning. As ‘Rites of Spring’ go, cleaning probably isn’t at the top of most peoples’ lists. However, I think it’s invaluable … Read More

Comparison: The Joy Thief

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” These six words are often attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt, and while there may not be any historical proof that he actually said them, the message itself has been proven time and time again. Think about all the times you’ve seen the online version … Read More

How to Revive a Sexless Marriage

Many couples overtime may find themselves in a sexless marriage. There are usually many contributing factors to a sexless marriage that the couple may be unaware of. Some of these factors may include relationship dissatisfaction, medical conditions, exhaustion, busy schedules, boredom or decreased physical attraction. Regardless of the reasons that’s … Read More

Is This Anxiety? Part 1

Anxiety and worry. These two terms are often used interchangeably, and understandably so, as almost constant worry is a large factor in anxiety. However, there are important distinctions between a normal level of worrying and anxiety, and recognizing this distinction can help you determine whether your’s or a loved one’s … Read More

Self care – what exactly does it mean? Part 1

Ultimately, self-care is more than just taking one hour for yourself when you have a slow day at work. It’s the self-awareness of knowing what things in life are life-giving to you, and fiercely protecting time in your schedule for those things.

Helping Your Child Deal With Loss and Grief

Losing someone important to us is an universal experience that is always difficult to deal with. We may feel anger, grief, loneliness, or confusion, and we all handle these difficult emotions in our own personal way. For a child, however, these feelings can be new, scary, and often overwhelming. As much as you want to shield your children from any pain, allowing them to feel these big emotions and express them in healthy ways can help them gain maturity and learn about themselves and their world.

Spring Clean Your Relationship!

Spring is finally here! At least according to the calendar. And that means it’s time for spring cleaning- that once-a-year activity where we give the house a thorough scrubbing. Perhaps it’s time to spring clean your relationship, too.

Changing an Unhealthy Coping Mechanism

We all have ways of coping or have fallen into bad habits, even addictions. You may have decided you want to change. But most likely you have found that actually changing just is not as easy as making the decision to do so. Change is hard for most of us.