School and Mental Health: When Parents need to Take Charge


According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five school children in the United States suffers in their mental health: anxiety, difficulty focusing and social challenges.

As NPR has been reporting in their Mental Health in School series, many schools don’t have the resources to meet their needs.

That often means that parents have to take action in accessing the support they need to help them succeed. So what does this reality look like for a family in the United States?

This article from the NPR website discusses some of the actions parents can take to make their child’s school life more manageable:

  • Talk to doctors about medication is needed.
  • Speak with teachers about the child’s mental health needs.
  • Research.
  • Change schools if necessary.
  • Be patient with your child, and the school system.
  • Advocate for your teachers to get better training in mental health

It is imperative that parents work with each other, schools, and health professionals to make sure their children get the best care possible, so they are able to thrive during their academic career.

Written By: Michelle Rathburn, MAMFT