Are CEOs just like Addicts?

I read an interesting article the other day about Chief Executive Officers (CEO’s) and addicts.  In the article, “neuroscientist David J. Linden from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine argues successful CEOs have more in common with addicts than most people think. In the process, he shines some light on why the two sometimes go hand in hand.”

“Like drug addicts, successful leaders are compulsive risk-takers with a high degree of novelty-seeking behavior.” The author goes on to state that “our brain’s dopamine-pleasure-seeking system can be activated by drugs or it can be activated by unpredictable rewards”. The decision for a CEO to start a new product, new marketing strategy, get a new client, or employee database can be a huge adrenaline rush for the leader.  Though the company may falter, just like a drug addict can hit “rock-bottom”, the risk of the strategy is what is appealing to the CEO.

Choosing to “bet the farm” on a new product, company, or strategy can be a huge rush for the CEO; however, taking calculated risks with a team behind your efforts can make a huge difference in getting the reward that is worth the risk.

Interesting, no? Do you agree?


Adam Glendye, LAPC