Finding Peace

Can success bring peace? For some the answer would be yes. But one would have to define success, and that can be different for many. What about popularity? Certainly large numbers of people have found peace just from their well-known status. A nice home, great family, having things, all bring a sense of peace to lots of folks. Some find peace in faith. Where do you find it? Have you ever found peace in your life? If so, what were the circumstances that brought it? If you haven’t found it, why not? Are you looking in the right places?

Some peace can be found in those things listed above, but quite often it’s only temporary. It becomes important to find peace within oneself. Knowing that you did the right thing or said the right thing at the right time will usually bring that sense of peace. Also, being able to use self-control when confronted by another or others can provide peace in one’s heart and mind. Too often a sense of feeling threatened or hurt if someone verbally attacks us breaks our peace, what do we do then?

The key is to remember that no one can take your peace from you a person willingly gives it up. It has a lot to do with looking at the circumstances and even though they may seem overwhelming, they are not. You can choose to remain at peace with what life brings or allow it to destroy who you are and what you stand for. So do yourself a favor, live with the peace that comes from within and you’ll more easily be able to find it.


Mark Ellison, LAMFT