Touch means different things to people. What does it mean to you a pat on the back, a gentle caress of the hand? There are many ways to provide meaningful touch. Kids very often appreciate a hug, maybe not in front of their friends, but down inside they usually are glad for it. Spouses too are thankful for the tender embrace of the one they love and care about. Too often, we take for granted those around us whom are waiting for that loving touch that they’ve needed.
As we become more aware of our significance in others’ lives, let’s realize the impact we are having upon them. Enjoy not only spending quality time with them, but help them to feel your presence by providing the desired appropriate touch that they might be seeking or needing. There has been much research completed which details how, even as infants, touch is extremely important. It has shown that the bond created by touch at the earliest years of a person’s life, can last throughout their lifetime.
So do yourself and others a favor, demonstrate that you not only want to be around them, but provide that meaningful touch which can provide warmth, strength, a sense of security and loving care to those who need it the most; almost everyone you know.
Mark Ellison, LAMFT