Hello everyone! If you have been following the Training Zone series, I am here to wrap up the final 5 tips. Have any of you started a training routine? If so, what are you training for? How has this list helped you reach a routine in training? Let us know by commenting at the bottom.
I will not hold the suspense any longer…here are the final 2 tips:
- Occasionally Enter a Race. Find local, fun races that keep you motivated and excited about your new hobby! (**Like the Peachtree Road Race….did anyone enter? How did you do? Tell us in the comments so we can celebrate with you!)
- Reward Yourself When You Succeed. Make sure you do something nice for yourself when you succeed. Some great examples are: a special trip, a relaxing spa visit, a pair of running shorts, or that new sports watch you’ve had your eye on.
Adapted from Running Advisor
Cara Engle, LAPC
cengle@ growcounseling.com